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Technical Knowledge Vs. Usage

The National Journal Online has an article Millennials Defined By Technology Use which states:

Millennials are at the leading edge of [technology],” said Tom Rosenstiel, director of Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and moderator of a panel on media and information.

Some 24 percent of Millennials say technology use makes their generation unique, far more than the 11 percent who identified music and pop culture.

yet NPR in an article titled Cyberwarrior Shortage Threatens U.S. Security states

U.S. security officials say the country’s cyberdefenses are not up to the challenge. In part, it’s due to a severe shortage of computer security specialists and engineers with the skills and knowledge necessary to do battle against would-be adversaries.

This leads to a stunning realization that most Americans won’t admit; that there is a huge difference between being a consumer of technology and understanding how it’s built. For instance, everyone knows how to use a DVD player, but few people know how a DVD player actually works and can build them.


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