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My company has recently merged with another company. As part of that process – I’m now supporting lots of systems with the intention of keeping them running until we’re able to move the business processes onto the infrastructure of my new employer. At some point, we’ll shut a lot of this stuff off – but in the meantime, I’m learning a lot about systems I wouldn’t normally have exposure to.

As an example, I’ve recently taken over NetBackup at work. NetBackup is software from Veritas that does data backups. It’s a HUGE undertaking. At most companies, backup engineering is a full-time job. Unfortunately for me, it’s only part of my job. To acclimate my self, I’ve been researching the NetBackup CLI (Command Line Interface). There’s loads of opportunities to automate most of my tasks. While I’m still educating myself, I look forward to sharing some of the scripts that I come up with here.

Here’s my new best friend: Spectra Logic T380 Tape Library. I’ve been spending a load of time swapping in/out tapes, so I recently installed a great sound system in the data center next to the tape library.

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